When you take off your coat in an office you enter, if you can't find a place to hang that coat, that office is incomplete and not designed for user experience. If you don't want to be an office, one of the basic needs of the offices is the office You should use the hangers. Office hangers are at least as important as a coffee table that should be in your office. Although hangers are thought of as a product that falls into the background when considered in terms of use, people entering your office cannot find a place to hang their excess belongings and can not find a place to hang them. Trying to hang their jackets on the chair is a negative situation in terms of prestige. Öespecially the number of guests 5 – If 6 people and hosting in your own office. 5 – It will be annoying for 6 people to take off their coats and jackets at the same time and there is no place for them. In order not to face such a situation, you should choose the model suitable for your office and use the most suitable number of titles for your office circulation.
Chromed hangers are a more preferred hanger type than other hanger types.
Why are chromed hangers more preferred?
&Cedil;&;; chrome plated hangers are metal and chrome plated in terms of structure and are resistant to water. They do not rust. It can be said that it is a little more expensive in price compared to other hanger types, but it has a useful life. It is suitable for longer use. It is not affected by weather conditions and is solid. You can use chrome hangers for many years without any problems.
The most suitable You can contact our Detay Office Furniture customer representatives to choose the hanger, to get detailed information about the hanger models and prices.