In offices, private executive rooms, jackets, shirts, trousers, shawls, etc. The single mute butler used to hang clothing is also suitable for home use. Hangers continue to be used with their designs reaching from the past to the present.
Mute butler is one of our coat rack designs with historical value. In the old days, servants who were in charge of keeping the clothes of the owners lived in the big mansions. The butlers don't remove the host's coat, hat, etc. He was keeping his accessories carefully and preventing them from getting wrinkled, and if the landlord's job would take a long time, he would put them in a suitable place. Of course, due to the rules of respect, the butlers do not make any comments during this time and perform their duties punctually. The design story of this hanger was inspired by the behavior of the servants in the house.
Since the mute servant resembles a human body when viewed from afar, it is compared to a servant. Since it is an inanimate object, its type is de “Mute Butler” it is called. You can use this hanger as if you have a butler in your home. When you come from anywhere, you can hang your jacket, trousers, shirt that you do not want to wrinkle here and prevent them from wrinkling. It is suitable for use in the office environment, both for your personal use and for your visitors to hang their own jackets etc. It can also be produced in different colors and doubles upon request.